• Early Modern

    Why Was England Late to Colonize?

    No nation ever dominated global trade and geopolitics more than Great Britain from the mid 18th century until World War I. But the English arrived late to the scene of colonization. The Age of Discovery began in the early 15th century. But the English didn’t establish any permanent colonies until the early 17th century, at the close of this era. So, what delayed them? Why did they sit back on their island and watch Spain conquer the most advanced peoples in the Americas and take South America’s riches for itself? Why did they allow the Portuguese to gain the initial footholds in Africa and Asia?

  • Medieval

    Reformation without the People: How the English Became Protestant

    The Protestant Reformation did not come to England because of a religious revival or a sudden change of heart by the English people. King Henry VIII created the Church of England for personal reasons, and he never truly became Protestant in belief and practice. The schism with Rome did, however, allow for the political and ecclesiastic infiltration of Protestants that set in motion a thorough reformation under Edward VI and Elizabeth I.


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